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ECMI Summer School – Oñati – July 2022 – Call for Applicants

29 març 2022

The European Centre for Minority Issues is planning to host our annual summer school in Oñati this year, at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law between 24th and 31st July 2022. The topic for this year’s summer school is ‘Minorities as Citizens’, co-organised with the Coppieters Foundation.

Topics covered include:

Citizenship: How has the notion of citizenship evolved? How has this affected political participation of minorities? What challenges has it created for non-citizen minorities? What is the relevance of dual citizenship for minorities?

Legal and institutional frameworks: What are the key international norms allowing for the political participation of minorities? What international institutions oversee implementation of these norms? What role do supranational bodies such as the EU play in these processes? How much have transnational minority organizations contributed to this infrastructure?

Forms of political participation of minorities: How efficient and effective are different forms of political participation? Do they reflect recent developments in the notion of representation? How do online communication channels affect the way in which minorities mobilize and participate? How are minority women and minority youth represented?

All details on the webpage: https://www.ecmi.de/teaching/summer-school