11 positions for Doctoral candidates in the field of Multilingualism in Education

09 ag. 2016

Dates – job announcement: 11 positions for Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in the field of Multilingualism in Education (m/f)

status: announcement
job announcement
11 positions for Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in the field of Multilingualism in Education (m/f) University of Luxembourg

A group of researchers of the Research Unit “Education, Culture, Cognition and Society” (ECCS) and of the Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET) at the University of Luxembourg has obtained a large grant for the interdisciplinary Doctoral Training Unit CALIDIE (Capitalising on Linguistic Diversity in Education). The doctoral programme CALIDIE is funded in the frame of the PRIDE scheme of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and offers 11 positions for Doctoral candidates (PhD students) in the field of Multilingualism in Education (m/f)

– Master’s Degree (or equivalent) in Educational Sciences, Linguistics, Psychology, or related disciplines of high quality. It is possible to apply if the respective degree is to be obtained soon (details to be given in the application)
–  Good command of written and spoken English and at least one of the other official languages of the UL, French or German. For some projects, all three languages or other languages are required (e.g. Luxembourgish). Please consult the detailed project descriptions for additional information : http://wwwen.uni.lu/recherche/flshase/education_culture_cognition_and_society_eccs/dtu_calidie

PhD Projects and Supervisors

• P1.1: Learners as cultural mediators: Exploring the role and value of children’s multilingual practices for learning (Sociolinguistics, Ethnography, Educational studies), Associate Professor Gabriele Budach (gabriele.budach@uni.lu)

• P1.2: From school to work: Multilingual practices of youth in vocational education and training (VET) (Sociolinguistics, Nexus Analysis, Ethnography, Multimodal approaches to discourse), Associate Professor Ingrid de Saint-Georges (ingrid.desaintgeorges@uni.lu)

• P1.3: Translanguaging for learning: A study of multilingual practices in the primary school (Educational Studies), Associate Professor Claudine Kirsch (claudine.kirsch@uni.lu)

• P1.4: Internationalisation and multilingualism in Higher Education: A focus on natural sciences (Educational Sciences, Applied / Sociolinguistics, Research in Multilingualism in Higher Education), Professor Adelheid Hu (adelheid.hu@uni.lu)

• P2.1: The development of orthographic practices of multilingual pupils throughout schooling (Linguistics, Written language acquisition), Associate Professor Constanze Weth (constanze.weth@uni.lu)

• P2.2: Enhancing children’s oral language skills in a multilingual educational setting: A preschool intervention study (Psychology, Educational Sciences, Developmental approach), Associate Professor Pascale Engel de Abreu (pascale.engel@uni.lu)

• P2.3: The use of value-added (VA) scores for the identification of highly effective pedagogical practices for diverse student populations (Psychology, Psychometrics & Educational Measurement), Dr Antoine Fischbach (antoine.fischbach@uni.lu)

• P2.4: Exploring innovative directions in the computer-based assessment (CBA) of language competency (Psychology, Assessment & Psychometrics, Educational Studies), Associate Professor Samuel Greiff (samuel.greiff@uni.lu)

• P3.1: The influence of language profiles on early numerical and (pre-)mathematical learning (Psychology, Cognitive neuroscience approach), Professor Christine Schiltz (christine.schiltz@uni.lu)

• P3.2 The influence of the instruction language on mathematics in a multilingual educational setting (Cognitive psychology, Educational studies), Dr. Sonja Ugen (sonja.ugen@uni.lu)

• P3.3 Interaction between language of instruction and language proficiency in science education (Psychology, Assessment & Psychometrics, Educational Studies), Professor Romain Martin (romain.martin@uni.lu)

Please consult the detailed project descriptions for additional information:


Contact person: Adelheid Hu
email: adelheid.hu(arrova)uni.lu

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