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Post-graduate studentships at the Centre for Language Discourse Communication (King’s College London)

17 nov. 2016

A range of post-graduate studentships are available for 2017-18 entry at the Centre for Language Discourse & Communication at King’s College London, offering supervision in text, discourse & narrative analysis, pragmatics, linguistic ethnography, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, applied, educational, cognitive and corpus linguistics:

  • ESRC studentships with the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (deadline: 31 January 2017).  These cover sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, interactional discourse analysis, linguistic ethnography, areas of applied linguistics, computational linguistics, educational linguistics and language & literacy education.  Candidates can apply either for a three year PhD Studentship or for a four year Studentship which involves a one year MA and a three year PhD.
  • AHRC Studentships at the London Arts & Humanities Partnership (opening date 1/12/16; submission deadline: 29 January 2017).   This covers research on linguistic structure, history, theory and description, including stylistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, corpus studies, translation, and some areas of applied linguistics.  Studentships last three years.

To apply, you should have excellent qualifications, as well as clear research idea if you are applying for a three year PhD award.  It is important to identify and contact a potential supervisor as soon as possible, referring to our faculty webpages, and you also need to submit an ordinary admissions application.