PhD doctoral training partnership: scholarship opportunity

18 nov. 2014

AHRC Midlands3Cities funding for UK/EU students

The Midlands3Cities doctoral training partnership is a collaboration between the universities of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent, Leicester, De Montfort, Birmingham and Birmingham City. The DTP is in the second of five years, awarding 87 PhD Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) studentships for UK/EU applicants for 2015 entry. M3C provides research candidates with cross-institutional mentoring, expert supervision including cross-institutional supervision where appropriate, subject-specific and generic training, and professional support in preparing for a career.

The School of English at the University of Nottingham is inviting applications from students whose research interests include: Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Language Gender & Sexuality, Discourse Analysis, Corpus Linguistics, Stylistics and Psycholinguistics. Research specialisms of staff in the School can be found here:

The deadline for AHRC M3C funding applications is 14 January 2015, by which time students must have applied for a place to study and have provided two references to a university within the DTP.

For full details of eligibility, funding and research supervision areas (including use of the supervision search tool) please visit or contact enquiries(arrova)

Information and proposal-writing workshops will be hosted in each of the three partner cities. Register for the workshop in Nottingham (taking place on 15th November) through

Via Joan Pujolar Cos