Coneixements, representacions i usos del català

Research Committee Language&Society. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology (International Sociological Association).

05 ag. 2015

Under the theme “Language and Representation: Struggles in the Global Age” the Research Committee Language &Society is organizing 15 session within the upcoming 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology (International Sociological Association) to be hosted in Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016.

This will be an exciting conference for those scholars who address the relationship between language and society. We encourage you to read the information about the sessions (see below), and to submit an abstract for its evaluation by session organizers (deadline for submission is September 30th, 2015).

Amado Alarcón, Federico Farini and Keiji Fujiyoshi, RC25 Program Coordinators

Research Committee 25 Language & Society
International Sociological Association

III Forum of Sociology
July 10-14 2016 Vienna

The next 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology is taking place 10-14 July 2014 in Vienna, Austria. In keeping with the ISA conference theme, “The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World.”, the RC 25 theme for the III ISA Forum of Sociology 2016 is “Language and Representation: Struggles in the Global Age”.

An overview of all RC25 sessions can be found here:http://www.isa-sociology.org/forum-2016/rc/rc.php?n=RC25

Abstract submission:

To take part on the conference you must submit you abstract (300 words) through the ISA Online system:


Deadline for abstracts submission: 30 September, 2015

Acceptance, registration, membership and grants:

Acceptance notification letters will be sent to authors by 30 November, 2015.

Authors of accepted abstracts must be registered and be ISA/RC25 members (regular sessions) before April 6th 2016.

A limited number of ISA registration grants will be available after abstracts acceptance. See:



Academic discourse. Organizer: Maria Guadalupe González, Universidad Pedagógica, México

Classifications of Otherness. Organzers: Stephanie Cassilde, Centre d’Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium.  & Trinidad Valle, Fordham University, United States of America,

Discourse in Practice: Microsociology of Social Exclusion and Control. Organizer: Frida Petersson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Discourses on Risk. Organizers: Emmanuel Henrique Souza Rodrigues. Universidade de Brasília & Viviane de Melo Resende, Universidade de Brasília

Ethnic Minority Mobilization: Intersections of Distribution and Recognition. Organizers: Maria Martinez-Iglesias, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain & Nadezhda Georgieva-Stankova. Trakia University, Bulgaria.

Identity, Agency and Representation. Organizers: Attila Krizsán, University of Turku, Finland & Lotta Lehti, University of Turku, Finland.

Language Diversity and Social Cohesion. Organizer: Cecilio Lapresta, University of Lleida, Spain.

Neutrality in Language Policy. Organizer: Mark Fifer Seilhamer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Sociological Studies of Language: Theory & Method. Organizers: Celine-Marie Pascale, American University, United States of America & Amado Alarcón, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain

Virtual Workplace Talk. Organizer: Johanna Woydack, Wirtschafts Universität Wienn – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

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Language and Childhood Socialization.
Joint Session with RC53 [Sociology of Childhood] and RC25. Organizers: Federico Farini, Middlexex University, United Kingdom (underline deleted). & Claudio Baraldi, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy, claudio.baraldi@unimore.it

Language on Health and Disease. Joint Session with RC15 [Sociology of Health] and RC25. Organizers: Keiji Fujiyoshi, Otemon Gakuin University, Japan & Miwako Hosoda, Seisa University, Japan

Re-Imagining Gendered & Raced Representations in the Public Sphere.  Joint Session with RC 32 [Women in Society] [Host Committee]. Oganizers: Roberta Villalón, St. Johns University, United States & Natalie Byfield, St. Johns University, United States

Innovation in Discourse: Promotion, Defensiveness, Reflexivity and Hidden Fears. Joint session with RC30 [Sociology of Work] [Host committee] and RC25.  Organizers: Peter Oeij, TNO, School of Management, Open University of the Netherlands & Stéphanie Cassilde, Centre d’Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium

The Use of Language and Silences in Coping with Everyday Nationalism, Racism and Sexism. Joint session with RC05 [Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations] [Host Committee] and RC25.

Organizers: Helma Lutz, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany & Stéphanie Cassilde, Centre d’Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium




Amado Alarcón, Rovira i Virgili University, amado.alarcon(arrova)urv.cat

Federico Farini, Middlexex University f.farini(arrova)mdx.ac.uk

Keiji Fujioshi, Miwako Hosoda, fjosh524(arrova)hotmail.com