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PhD in public policy with a focus on language policy at Ulster University

25 oct. 2020

Ulster University, as a partner in the ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership of Northern Ireland and the North-East (ESRC-NINE), is pleased to offer up to four postgraduate studentships in its areas of expertise.

Info here: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CBZ463/esrc-nine-phd-scholarships

If you know a student that is willing to start a PhD in public policy with a focus on language policy, you can tell him or her to contact me at <m.gazzola@ulster.ac.uk> and Shane MacGiollabhui <s.macgiollabhui@ulster.ac.uk> as soon as possible. We will help the candidate to prepare a research proposal to be submitted to the competition.

Dr. Michele Gazzola Ulster University www.michelegazzola.com