Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the art and future challenges.

05 des. 2022

EditorMiquel Àngel Pradilla Cardona | Rovira i Virgili University & Institute of Catalan Studies

ISBN 9789027212740 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00 /e-BookISBN 9789027256911 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00

The aim of the work Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the Art and Future Challenges is to give an account, in a summary way, of the major topics dealt with by the study of the relation between language and society in the Catalan language community, and the extent to which international approaches have been received and how they have been adapted to the Catalan domain.Every tradition has interpreted this interaction with specific approaches. The Catalan tradition, for example, has opted for a vision that integrates a wide range of studies on different themes (economy, law, political science, communication, ecology, linguistic variation, anthropology, and so on). So, in the book you are holding, the authors of the various chapters, recognised specialists in their fields, have provided complementary views that will enable us to make an overall analysis, something that was urgently needed in the context of the ultimate aim of bringing internal consistency to the discipline.

Table of Contents
  • Preface
    Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardonapp. ix–x
  • Chapter 1. Catalan sociolinguistics: A multifaceted discipline
    Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardonapp. 1–14
  • Chapter 2. History of the group GCS/ASOLC/SOCS
    Francesc Vallverdúpp. 15–27
  • Chapter 3. Linguistic ecology
    Pere Comellas Casanovapp. 29–38
  • Chapter 4. For a prospective sociology of language: From prophecy to foresight
    Ernest Querol Puigpp. 39–54
  • Chapter 5. Is there a social history of the Catalan language?
    Miquel Nicoláspp. 55–65
  • Chapter 6. Research on language codification: A general proposal
    Joan Costa-Carreraspp. 67–91
  • Chapter 7. The process of normalising Catalan in the media: Notes on the evolution of research (1980–2020)
    Josep Gifreu and Maria Corominaspp. 93–106
  • Chapter 8. The (limited) contribution of Catalan political science to Catalan sociolinguistics
    Albert Branchadellpp. 107–117
  • Chapter 9. Forty years of language policy in Catalonia (1980–2020): Intervention in linguistic skills, practices and ideologies
    Elvira Riera-Gilpp. 119–137
  • Chapter 10. From normalisation to sustainability: The limits of status planning
    Isidor Marípp. 139–158
  • Chapter 11. Language law in the Catalan domain
    Eva Pons Parerapp. 159–171
  • Chapter 12. The economics of language
    Amado Alarcón Alarcónpp. 173–182
  • Chapter 13. Demolinguistics in Catalan-speaking territories
    Joaquim Torres i Plapp. 183–194
  • Chapter 14. The linguistic transmission of Catalan: Current state of affairs and analysis
    Antoni Mas Miralles and Brauli Montoya Abatpp. 195–205
  • Chapter 15. Research on educational sociolinguistics in the Catalan-speaking area
    F. Xavier Vilapp. 207–244
  • Chapter 16. Language and social psychology research in Catalan sociolinguistics
    Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé and Miquel Strubell i Truetapp. 245–260
  • Chapter 17. Linguistic anthropology: Concepts and field sites
    Joan A. Argenterpp. 261–273
  • Chapter 18. New speakers: Language and subjectivity
    Joan Pujolarpp. 275–296
  • Chapter 19. Pragmatics and discourse analysis
    Núria Alturopp. 297–312
  • Chapter 20. The kaleidoscopic universe of the sociolinguistics of variation in the Catalan language
    Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardonapp. 313–330
  • Indexpp. 331–333

Source: Catalan Sociolinguistics: State of the art and future challenges | Edited by Miquel Àngel Pradilla Cardona