Conference Hispanic Linguistics, University of Liverpool (UK), June 2023

13 oct. 2022

We are delighted to announce that the next Spanish in Society conference will take place at the University of Liverpool on 8-9 June 2023. Call for papers attached. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30 November 2022 (see details below).

Call for Papers 

Hispanic? Sociolinguistics at a Crossroads

10th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics

8th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society [SiS]

University of Liverpool, 8-9 June 2023

At this particular juncture in academic scholarship we are rethinking approaches to research in Hispanic sociolinguistics, prompted in part by the pandemic but also by developments in the wider fields of sociolinguistics and Hispanic Studies. This conference, then, will bring together scholars working in Hispanic sociolinguistics to explore the novel ways in which we do research, especially in light of the challenges of the ongoing pandemic. The event will bring various groups into dialogue, opening the floor to the innovative ways in which scholars can address contemporary research problems and questions and become actively involved in advancing the field of Hispanic sociolinguistics.

The following questions will guide the conference:

  • Who does the term ‘Hispanic’ include/exclude? While past conferences have sought to foreground both the pluricentric nature of Spanish and the multilingualism of the Spanish-speaking world, how do we respond to wider discussions concerning the limitations of the term ‘Hispanic’ as a potentially homogenising label that reinforces the colonial centre?
  • How do we foreground/address social justice in our work? As recent linguistics research has sought to foreground the centrality of language in connection to ideas of race and reproducing structural violence (Avineri, Graham, Johnson, Conley Riner and Rosa 2019), how do we as researchers seek to address and further social justice through our work?
  • How do we address the effects of the pandemic and travel restrictions on sociolinguistic research methods? In light of travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic, as well as longer term technological developments, what new sociolinguistic methods have and should be developed to respond to rapidly changing research contexts?

In addition to keynote presentations and thematic panels, the conference programme will include coffee breaks, extended lunch breaks, a closing reception and an evening meal (all of which are included in the registration fee) to allow for more informal networking opportunities. Please note that we are planning to hold the conference in person.

We invite proposals (for thematic panels and individual presentations) from any of the following linguistic disciplines or approaches, in line with the conference theme:

  • Sociolinguistics
  • Sociology of Language
  • Dialectology
  • Bilingualism and Language Contact
  • Pragmatics
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Historical Linguistics
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Linguistic Anthropology
  • Language Teaching and Pedagogy


Confirmed plenary speaker

Professor Anna de Fina, Georgetown University


Submission of abstracts         30 November 2022

Notification of acceptance      15 January 2023

Early-bird registration             until 31 March 2023

Late-registration                      until 30 April 2023


Registration fees

Early-bird standard rate: £180

Early-bird students and concessions: £120

Late registration standard rate: £220

Late registration students and concessions: £160


Submission guidelines

Abstracts should be sent to as a Word attachment containing the title of the paper and a 300 word max. description of the proposed talk, including: the aims, methodology and main findings of the study upon which it is based, as well as a list of bibliographical references. Contact details (name, affiliation and postal/electronic address) should be included only in the body of the email, together with the title of the paper.

If you wish to propose a panel (rather than an individual presentation), please provide the following in one Word document:

  • title of the panel
  • name of the person who will chair the panel
  • names of the speakers
  • titles and abstracts for each paper