Conferències al Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (UAB)

27 nov. 2014

  • La gramática teórica y su papel en el desarrollo de las competencias básicas
  • The discursive evolution of language debates on immigrant integration in France. Immigrant integration or immigrant control?
  • V-stranding VP ellipsis in Portuguese and phasehood
  • Global aphasia: the case for autonomy of language and thought
  • Adjectives of veracity
  • El Individuo y el Estadio, ser y estar: reafirmando una dicotomía aspectual singular
  • V Seminari de Neologia. Neologia i registres​
  • Workshop on Negation: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations

CARTA LINGÜÍSTICA 587. Centre de Lingüística Teòrica.Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


***Divendres, 21 de novembre de 2014

Seminari CLT

La gramática teórica y su papel en el desarrollo de las competencias básicas

A càrrec de: Germán Cánovas (Europa International School)

Lloc: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB

Hora: 15:30

Aula: 200


***Dijous, 27 de novembre de 2014

Seminari del Grup d’Estudis del Discurs (GED), Universitat Pompeu Fabra

The discursive evolution of language debates on immigrant integration in France. Immigrant integration or immigrant control?

A càrrec de: Vicent Climent Ferrando (Grup d’Estudis del Discurs, UPF)

Hora: 12:30-13:30h

Lloc: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Comunicació (Roc Boronat, 138), Edifici 52

Aula: 52.415


This paper presents a critical discourse analysis of the French debates on language for immigrant integration. It traces the evolution of how discourses on language have progressively mutated from immigrant integration to immigrant control, becoming the current dominant ideology and creating a linkage between these two previously separate domains. The paper analyzes empirically the compulsory language requirements adopted to enter, reside, reunite and naturalize as well as the rhetoric and the narrative devices employed to invoke national myths, conventions, identities and values aimed at legitimizing this utilitarian approach on language. It concludes that this new instrument – language – reveals strategic thinking by the French political elites to use a politically accepted rhetoric – integration, participation and inclusion – to achieve potentially objectionable and discriminatory outcomes of exclusion and control.


***Divendres, 28 de novembre de 2014

Seminari CLT

V-stranding VP ellipsis in Portuguese and phasehood

Ruth Lopes (UNICAMP)

Lloc: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB

Hora: 15:30

Aula: 202


***Dimecres, 3 de desembre de 2014

Grammar & Cognition group 

Dept. Lingüística UB

Global aphasia: the case for autonomy of language and thought

A càrrec de:

Rosemary Varley (Psychology & Language Sciences, University College London)

Lloc: Edifici Josep Carner. Gran Via-Aribau

Hora: 18h

Aula: Sala de professors, 5a planta

Resum: Global aphasia: the case for autonomy of language and thought

 There are many claims within cognitive science that language plays an essential role in other domains of intrinsically non-language cognition such as social, spatial or mathematical reasoning. The nature of these claims differ. Strong versions of the language and thought hypothesis propose that the mechanisms and representations of language are necessary for sustaining many forms of thought, while other positions adopt the weaker view that they merely support or scaffold thinking.

The performance of people with severe aphasic language impairment allows evaluation of claims of linguistic mediation in other domains of reasoning in the established/adult cognitive system. Indeed, comparisons of individuals with severe lexical versus grammatical impairment provides unique insights into the different roles these linguistic components might play in reasoning.

In this talk, I will report the performance of people with severe aphasia in a range of non-language domains, including understanding communicative intentions, reorientation and calculation. Our results reveal dissociations between severe impairment of language and residual reasoning capacity, particularly in the case of agrammatism. These findings suggest that, in the mature mind, there is considerable autonomy between language and various forms of thought.


***Divendres, 5 de desembre de 2014

Seminari GLiF

Adjectives of veracity

A càrrec de:

Melània S. Masià (CSIC – UAB)

Hora: 15.00 – 17-00h

Lloc: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Comunicació (Roc Boronat, 138),

Aula: 52.735


Adjectives of veracity (AVs) such as verdadero ‘true’ or auténtico ‘authentic’ in Spanish, when in prenominal position, signal that the referent of the noun is an outstanding exemplar of the category, and, in this sense, they intensify the noun (1). In addition to this, the modified phrase shares some properties with subjective predicates, such as embeddability under subjective attitude verbs (2). However, this behavior is not available with any kind of noun: when modifying relational nouns, with a definite determiner, AVs receive their literal meaning ‘not fake’ (3), and natural category nouns are usually incompatible with these modifiers (4).

(1) Paloma es una verdadera artista. ‘Paloma is a true artist.’

(2) Encuentro que Esther es ??{(una) profesora} / OKuna verdadera profesora. ‘I find Esther to be a teacher / a real teacher.’

(3) Quiso conocer a su verdadero padre. ‘He wanted to meet his actual father.’

(4) ??Vimos un verdadero pájaro. ‘We saw a true bird.’

In this talk, I will discuss the interaction of (stereo)typicality, subjectivity, and vagueness/imprecistion in these constructions. Building on Sassoon’s (2013) proposal for the internal structure of nouns, I will argue that AVs always restrict the domain in which the standard of the noun is calculated to entities that are already in the positive extension of the predicate, according to the speaker. By doing so, the standard rises and only those entities ranking high in the dimensions of the noun are allowed in its denotation


***Divendres, 5 de desembre de 2014

Seminari CLT

El Individuo y el Estadio, ser y estar: reafirmando una dicotomía aspectual singular

Federico Silvagni (CLT/UAB)

Lloc: Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, UAB

Hora: 15:30

Aula: 202


***Dilluns, 15 de desembre de 2014

V Seminari de Neologia. Neologia i registres​

Horari: 9.00 a 13.30 h

Ubicació: Sala de Conferències 55.309 – 3a planta edifici 55. Tànger, Campus del Poblenou

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Trobareu tota la informació del seminari a l’agenda de l’IULA:

Organitza: Observatori de Neologia (OBNEO) i Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA


*** 18-19 de desembre de 2014

Workshop on Negation: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations

In this workshop we aim at bringing together researchers in the field of negation, from the perspective of both theoretical and experimental linguistics.

The attendance at the workshop is by registration.

Full Program and Registration:

Lloc: Residència d’Investigadors, Barcelona

Organitzat per M. Teresa Espinal (CLT-UAB) i Susagna Tubau (CLT-UAB)


–          Dijous, 18 de desembre: Diachrony and Experimental

Marie Labelle (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Ana Maria Martins (Universidade de Lisboa)

Montserrat Batllori (Universitat de Girona)

Pierre Larrivée (Université de Caen)

Richard Ingham (Birmingham City University)

Pilar Prieto (ICREA – Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Ira Noveck (L2C2, CNRS, Université de Lyon)


–          Divendres, 19 de desembre: Synchrony and Experimental

Giuseppe Longobardi (University of York)

Anastasia Giannakidou (University of Chicago)

Hedde Zeijlstra (Universität Göttingen)

M. Teresa Espinal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona –CLT)

Viviane Déprez (Rutgers University and L2C2, CNRS, Université de Lyon)

Susagna Tubau (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona –CLT)

Larry Horn (Yale University)