Coneixements, representacions i usos del català

Defensa de Tesis en Lingüística: UB i UPF

17 nov. 2015

Doctoranda: Anna Tudela Isanta
Doctorat en Comunicació Lingüística i Mediació Multilingüe
Curs: 2010-2011

Data: divendres 20 de novembre del 2015
Hora: 11.00 h
Aula: Sala de conferències 55.309 (3a planta edifici 55. Tànger – Campus del Poblenou, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Tesi doctoral: Les actituds lingüístiques dels joves universitaris de Barcelona i Palma 
Direcció: Raquel Casesnoves Ferrer

Membres del tribunal:
Dra. Mireia Trenchs Parera (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Dr. Joan Meiià Garí (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Dra. Mairead Moriarty (University of Limerick)


Dissertation defense sessions where students in the Doctoral Program in Applied Linguistics will be presenting and defending their PhD Theses. All the sessions will take place in the faculty of philology.
Anna Marsol (supervised by Dr. Elsa Tragant)

English Language Learning in CLIL and EFL Classroom Settings: A Look at Two Primary Education Schools.

Examination panel:

Dr. Carme Muñoz (UB)

Dr. Cristina Escobar (UAB)

Dr. Hendrikus Cornelus Jozef de Graaff (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

Date: Friday 20 November 2015

Time: 11.00

Room: Sala de Graus


Hanna Kivistö-de-Souza (supervised by Dr. Joan C. Mora)

Phonological Awareness and Pronunciation in a Second Language

Examination panel:

Dr. Juli Cebrian (UAB)

Dr. Magdalena Wrembel (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)

Dr. Andreia Schurt Rauber (Appen Butler Hill, US & Australia)

Date: Friday 27 November 2015

Time: 10.30

Room: Gabriel Oliver


Lidia Montero (supervised by Dr. Raquel Serrano)

Factors Affecting Second Language Communication Strategies Use and Development

Examination panel:

Dr. Joan C. Mora (UB)

Dr. Sarah Khan (Univesitat de Vic)

Dr. Martin Howard (University College Cork, Ireland)

Date: Friday 18 December 2015

Time: 11.00

Room: Sala de Graus