Esdeveniments sociolingüístics (Mercator)

04 febr. 2023

Font: Mercator Network Newsletter February 2023

27 February -3 March 2023, Berlin (Germany)
LANGSCAPE & ENROPE Winter School 2023
Organised by the LANGSCAPE International Research Network & the ENROPE consortium

16-17 March 2023, Leeuwarden (Netherlands)
Minority Languages in the City
Organised by Mercator European Research Centre, the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR), and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation

17 March 2023, online
LANGSCAPE & ENROPE Online Colloquium
Organised by the LANGSCAPE International Research Network & the ENROPE consortium

22-24 March 2023, Strassbourg (Germany)
ECSPM 2023 Symposium: The social role of higher education – Developing the civil society’s awareness and impacting policies on the role of multilingualism in education

Organised by ECSPM

3-4 April 2023, Rēzekne Academy of Technology (RTA), (Latvia)
OWL+ – Ownership and Leadership: Pathway for (Endangered) Languages’ Use in School Multiplier Event
Organised by the OWL+ Consortium

26-28 April 2023, Madrid (Spain)
ALTE’s 8th International Conference: Language Assessment Fit for the Future

Organised by Association of Language Testers in Europe

23-25 March 2023, Dublin (Ireland)
Conference on Youth Theatre and Performance in Regional, Minority, and Minoritised Languages

Organised by University College Dublin

4-6 May 2023, Ottawa (Canada)
Colloque du CCERBAL 2023 – Bilinguisme et multilinguisme: Compétences transversales, mobilité et bien-être
Organised by Centre canadien d’études et de recherche en bilinguisme et aménagement linguistique (CCERBAL), Institut de langues officielles et du bilinguisme (ILOB), Université d’Ottawa.

24-26 May 2023, Nysa (Poland)
Multilingualism as a Chance: towards an international curriculum for teacher training and the promotion of multilingualism for children and students
Organised by the international Konsortium ‘Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance’

7-10 June 2023, Montpellier (France)
International conference “Plurilingualism, teaching-learning, complexity and integrity: epistemological, pedagogical and political perspectives
Organised by the research group Unité de recherche LHUMAIN (Langage, Humanités, Médiations, Apprentissages, Interactions, Numérique) of the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier

16-17 June 2023, Graz (Austria)
Bridging Global Citizenship and Multilingual Competences Conference
Organised by the universities of Graz, Bologna and Newcastle, Mercator (Fryske Akademy) and NeoSmart Digital

16 June 2023, online
LANGSCAPE & ENROPE Online Colloquium #4
Organised by the LANGSCAPE International Research Network & the ENROPE consortium

20-24 June 2023, Wales, (United Kingdom)
XIX International Conference on Minority Languages (ICML)
Organised by University of Wales Trinity Saint David

26-28 June 2023, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
United Kingdom Language Variation & Change 14 (UKLVC14)
Organised by Linguistics and English Language / University of Edinburgh

26-30 June 2023, Sydney (Australia) – Hybrid conference
International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB14)
Organised by Macquarie University

28-30 June 2023, Copenhagen (Denmark)
10th International Conference of the Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Association (EDiLiC)
Organised by University of Copenhagen

17-21 July 2023, Lyon (France)
AILA World Congress 2023
Organised by ENS de Lyon

26-28 September 2023, Berlin (Germany)
RUEG Conference 2023 – Linguistic Variability in Heritage Language Research
* Call for Papers is open: deadline 17 April, 2023
Organised by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

12-13 October 2023, Valletta (Malta)
4th International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education (ICMME4)
* Call for Papers is open: deadline 31 July 2023
Organised by University of Malta