S’han publicat nous resums de les presentacions que tindran lloc al I Congrés Internacional sobre el Dret a la Llengua (http://cidl.uji.es).
- Jacqueline Mowbray: Language rights and linguistic justice in international law: Lost in translation?
- Philipp S. Angermeyer: On the limits of translation in legal-lay communication
- Melissa Wallace: The right to language access and mental healthcare for forced migrant victims of gender-based violence in US detention centers
- Mette Sommer Lindsay, Rachel England & Chijioke Obasi: The impact of COVID-19 on deaf students and accessibility in higher education
- Rachele Raus & Tania Cerquitelli: Artificial Intelligence at the service of inclusive language policies: the case of the E- MIMIC Project
La inscripció té un preu reduït fins a aquest divendres 1 d’abril.