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Nou llibre: "Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages: the Issues Raised in the European Parliament's Minority Intergroup (2009-2011)"

15 maig 2012

Font: M. Strubell i K. Gál

You can download it also from the following link:  http://static.gal.fidesz-eu.hu/media/2/2/5/5/2255.pdf
Offers an insight into the work and the issues raised at the Intergroup during my co-presidency from 2009-2011. Richly illustrated, the book deals with the continuing challenges faced by Europe’s national and linguistic minorities on a thematic basis. Its also includes various case studies so as to bring overarching problems to the fore.

The Intergroup for Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages set out a dynamic and ambitious agenda between 2009 and 2011, reflecting the new developments across Europe in the post-Lisbon era, an era that has seen the establishment of a new architecture in human rights coupled with the potential to embed national and linguistic minority rights at the heart of the European project.

I hope that you will find this book useful addition to the work currently being undertaken in the field of national and linguistic minority rights.