- VII Report on the situation of the Catalan language Xarxa CRUSCAT (2014). Barcelona: Observatori de la Llengua Catalana.
- Language Rich Europe: Catalonia, Valencia
- Catalan in the 21st Century. K. A. Woolard and S. E. Frekko, eds. International J. of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Volume 16, Issue 2. Online 2012/print 2013.
- «The Catalan Language», M. Strubell. in A Companion to Catalan Culture.
- What’s up with Catalonia?
- Survival and development of language communities: prospects and challenges (ed. F. Xavier Vila)
- “Language Law and Legal Challenges in Medium-Sized Language Communities. A Comparative Perspective”
- “Language and identity policies in the ‘glocal’ age” A. Bastardas
- “Survival and Development of Language Communities. Prospects and challenges”
- Shaping language rights. Commentary on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in light of the Committee of Experts’ evaluation. E. Pons, A. Nogueira, I. Urrutia i E. Ruiz.
- “Traditional Minorities, National Communities and Languages: the Issues Raised in the European Parliament’s Minority Intergroup (2009-2011)”
- Netlang. Multilingualism in Cyberspace. Climent-Ferando, Krebs.
- Sociolinguistic situation in Catalan-speaking areas : tables. Marina Solís. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Secretaria de Política Lingüística, 2008.
- The Matched Guise Technique: a Critical Approximation to a ClassicTest for Formal Measurement of Language Attitudes. Solís Obiols, Marina (2002). Noves SL, Estiu 2002. Barcelona: Direcció General de política Lingüística.
- Noves SL, Journal on Sociolinguistics – Hemeroteca (English and Catalan)
Nota: la llista ha estat elaborada amb amb aportacions de K. Woolard i M. Solís. Feu arribar més publicacions sobre la sociolingüística catalana fetes en anglès i altres llengües a cruscat(arrova)demolinguistica.cat.