Coneixements, representacions i usos del català

Recull d’esdeveniments (Mercator Network)

02 juny 2022

Més informació: Mercator Network Newsletter May 2022

9-10 June 2022, Groningen (Netherlands)
International Linguistics Conference TABU
Organised by Center for Language and Cognition from the University of Groningen

16-17 June 2022, Budapest (Hungary)
Rules and incentives in language policy and planning: Economic, legal, and sociolinguistic approaches
Organised by research group ‘Economics, Policy Analysis and Language’ (REAL)

16-17 June 2022, Rēzeknes (Latvia)
International Academic Conference ‘Regional Languages in Education: from Literature towards Literacy’
Organised by Rēzekne Academy of Technologies

20-24 June 2022, Leeuwarden (Netherlands)
Summer School on Cultural & Linguistic Diversity: Diversity Management for Social Justice
Organised by University of Groningen

22-24 June 2022, Granada (Spain)/ online
International Conference ‘Future Challenges in Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education (ELLME2022)
Organised by Universidad de Granada

22-25 June 2022, online
17th International Conference of Language and Social Psychology (ICLASP17)
Organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

27-29 June 2022, Warsaw (Poland)
World Congress of Modern Languages and the Annual Conference of the Polish Association of Modern Languages
Organised by the International Federation of Language Teacher Associations, the Polish Association of Modern Languages and the Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Warsaw

30 June – 1 July 2022, Oldenburg (Germany)
Small languages, big ideas (SLBI)

Organised by the Universities of Oldenburg and Groningen

13-16 July 2022, Ghent (Belgium)
Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 – Inside and beyond binaries
Organised by Ghent University

4-5 August 2022, Tromsø (Norway)
4th International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children
Organised by the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway

8-12 August 2022, Koblenz (Germany)
39th International LAUD Symposium ‘Multilingualism in Africa: Language contact, endangerment and cultural conceptualisation’
Organised by the University of Koblenz-Landau

25-27 August 2022, online
The Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Online Conference (LPP 2022)

Hosted by the McGill University’s Faculty of Education in Montréal (Canada)

29-31 August 2022, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis (Scotland)
Soillse International Conference on Rooting Minority Language Policy in the Speaker Community
* Call for Papers: deadline extended > 20 May 2022
Hosted by Soillse, University of the Highlands and Islands

13-16 September 2022, Leeuwarden (Netherlands)
2nd Conference on Frisian Humanities
Organised by Fryske Akademy, Mercator, NHLStenden, the University of Groningen, and RuG/Campus Fryslân

13-16 September 2022, Girona – Perpinyà (Spain/ France)
III International Conference on Revitalisation of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages
Organised by Universitat de Girona, Université de Perpignan – Via Domitia et Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

15-17 September 2022, Zagreb (Croatia)
12th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism
Organised by University of Zagreb

6-7 October 2022, Joensuu (Finland)
International Conference on Multilingual Awareness and Multilingual Practices
* Call for Papers is open (Deadline 15 July)
Organised by University of Eastern Finland

26-30 June 2023, Sydney (Australia) – Hybrid conference
International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB14)
* Call for Symposia and Papers is open
Organised by Macquarie University

17-21 July 2023, Lyon (France)
AILA 2023
* Call for Symposia and Papers is open
Organised by ENS de Lyon