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Webinar “Linguistic Justice and Public Policy” | 16 October 2020

17 set. 2020

Workshop “Linguistic Justice and Public Policy”. The workshop will take place on the 16 October from 10:30 to 14:30, online on the Zoom platform. The workshop programme is attached to this e-mail. The event is organised by the School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences of Ulster University with the kind support of Esperantic Studies Foundation (ESF) and the Centre for Public Administration. Click on this link to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/linguistic-justice-and-public-policy-webinar-tickets-120219885915

Unfortunately, slots are limited so be sure to register in advance. The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent two days before the event. For more information, please contact Ms Cecilia Gialdini c.gialdini@ulster.ac.uk We are looking forward to seeing you.Best wishes,

The convenors, Michele Gazzola & Cecilia Gialdini // www.michelegazzola.com