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També s’està enllestint una versió en castellà i una altra en català.
- Editor’s note
Liz Castro - Prologue: A new path for Catalonia
Artur Mas i Gavarró
President of Catalonia - Catalonia, a new state in Europe
Carme Forcadell Lluís - 2013: The transition year toward the referendum on independence
Oriol Junqueras - Premeditated asphyxia
Elisenda Paluzie - It’s always been there
F. Xavier Vila - Catalonia, land of immigration
Andreu Domingo - Opening the black box of secessionism
Laia Balcells - Schooling in Catalonia (1978–2012)
Pere Mayans Balcells - The view from Brussels
Ramon Tremosa i Balcells - Keep Calm and Speak Catalan
Josep Maria Ganyet - Wilson, Obama, Catalonia, and Figueres
Enric Pujol Casademont - News from Catalonia
Josep M. Muñoz - On the prickly matter of language
J.C. Major - Is the perfect always and everywhere the enemy of the good?
Edward Hugh - What has happened to us Catalans?
Salvador Cardús - Our place in the world: the country of Barcelona
Vicent Partal - How did we get here?
Cristina Perales-García - Judo in Madrid
Alfred Bosch - European patriots
Muriel Casals - The battle for the audience
Ignasi Aragay - Strangers in our own land
Germà Bel - Yet another wiki?
Àlex Hinojo - The languages of the Catalans
M. Carme Junyent - Non-nationalist independentism
Laura Borràs - Catalan language literature: What’s going on?
Matthew Tree - Catalonia or Catalan Countries?
Vicent Sanchis - Time to say “yes”
Eva Piquer - A Scottish referendum for Catalonia
Xavier Solano - Language in education
Miquel Strubell - What happened on November 25?
Pau Canaleta - Americans ♥ Catalonia: A geometric progression
Mary Ann Newman - The viability of Catalonia as a state
Núria Bosch - To my Spanish friends
Salvador Garcia-Ruiz - The Catalan business model
Joan Canadell - The CUP: the oldest and newest independentists
Roger Buch i Ros - Our September 11th (1714)
Marta Rovira-Martínez - Index